Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Saw That Dildo, Bud Light

I'm surprised someone hasn't brought this up already.  I googled "bud light commercial dildo" and didn't see anything in the first five or so results, so I'm going to go ahead and officially take credit for this.  I'm sure you've seen this commercial, in which three aliens that look like hot chicks come to "shmeplicate" with human males in exchange for Bud Light.

I don't know about you, but every time I see this commercial, all I can think is that the girl on the right is holding a huge dildo. 

 Save us, FCC! 


  1. Get your mind out of the gutter.

  2. I just noticed the same thing and googled it!! LMAO

  3. I agree for a few months now everytime i see this at a Bar i get everybody to look at the dildo

  4. Lol, I'm off to google it now.


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