Nine kids at a party at Central Washington University were hospitalized with "symptoms of life-threatening overdose or intoxication" whose BAC "ranged from 0.12 percent to 0.35 percent" (death is possible at 0.30%-0.39%), apparently after drinking too much Four Loko.
The article from AOLNews called Four Loko the "culprit" in this situation, ignoring the fact that it was these kids (many of whom were underage) drinking more than they could handle that got them in a hospital. That's like a kid without a license dying in a car accident and blaming the car. Everyone likes to talk about how bad the drinks are and call for a ban of such drinks (or at least those stupid doctors and buzzkill old people) as if other alcoholic drinks are good for you. Would it really be any better to drink 12 beers instead of a few Four Loko? Granted, Four Loko has caffeine and typical drinks don't. But that just means you need to not be an idiot when you drink it. Which also happens to apply to all alcoholic drinks.
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